Croatia among the best countires in the world for distance work

One of the world’s leading travel search engines, KAYAK, recently published the results of the “Work from Wherever Index” analysis, according to which Croatia is on the list of the world’s best countries for remote work. Namely, on the world list of 111 countries, Croatia took an excellent 11th place, while on the European list Croatia also took an excellent 7th place. KAYAK analyzed all 111 countries in detail and then ranked them based on 22 defined factors in six categories that include: travel costs and accessibility, local prices, health and safety, teleworking opportunities, social life and time.

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Adrenaline activities in beautiful Croatia

Today, adrenaline tourism is very popular, which will turn every vacation into a real adventure. As the popularity of extreme sports grows, so does the number of adrenaline activities available to people. Whether you are a fan of flying, marine life or many others, be sure to stay with us because we bring you special […]

Top 10 restorana u Splitu

Kroz godine, Split je postao domaćin brojnim restoranima koji se natječu za titulu najboljeg. Iako je izbor velik, mi vam donosimo 10 najboljih restorana koje će oduševiti i one najzahtjevnije. Moramo napomenuti da nisu sortirani, te svaki od ovih restorana zaslužuje prvo mjesto. 1. Bokeria Kitchen & Wine U srcu Dioklecijanove palače, Bokeria Kitchen & […]

Sretan Božić i Nova 2025. godina!

Dragi naši sadašnji i budući gosti, Neka Vam ovaj dan donese mir, ljubav i toplinu, a Nova godina neka bude ispunjena zdravljem, uspjehom i radosti! Hvala Vam što ste bili naši gosti, neka Vam nadolazeći dani donesu samo najljepše trenutke. Srdačno, Villa Rita Team